Democrat for Arizona Senate - District 10

Using business experience to support progressive values.

As a Clean Elections candidate I can’t accept any donations after July 23.

  • As a businessman, long-time resident of Mesa, and Democratic activist, I believe in…

    PROTECTING a woman’s right to choose and the constitutional right to freedom from government intrusion into her privacy and health decisions.

    INVESTING in public education (nationally) Arizona ranks almost last) and reforming the voucher system, which is a taxpayer subsidy to religious and private entities (and has the potential to develop into a serious financial crisis for Arizona).

    ENSURING equal rights for all communities (including those defined by gender) and pushing back on bigotry.

    SUPPORTING affordable housing including assistance for first-time buyers and rent stabilization for mobile home owners.

    INCREASING fiscal standards of responsibility and accountability in the legislature to ensure that taxpayer money is used efficiently and effectively and for the benefit of all Arizonans.

    STRENGTHENING our voting laws to protect our officials, staff, and volunteers.

    DEFENDING the Constitution and the time-honored values of our democracy which are based on rationality and enhancing the public good and not derived from emotion or dogma.

  • In 2008 I volunteered for Barack Obama’s Presidential campaign, following my wife Giuii to Raton, New Mexico where I spent seven days learning about canvassing and grass roots organizing from a superbly run field operation.

    In 2012 I assisted Janie Hydrick's campaign for the LD18 Arizona Senate seat with photography, video, and graphic design support.

    In 2018, I began working regularly with the LD18 Democrats, coordinating outreach to 7,600 Democrats in the five Mesa precincts within the district as well as providing financial, printing, and promotional support for all LD18 precincts. I underwrote a significant portion of an 11,000 piece neighbor to neighbor mailing and developed and paid for 16,000 voter recommendation flyers for 13 unique electoral jurisdictions within the district. I was honored to be named 2018 Volunteer of the Year for LD18.

    Also in 2018, I produced and directed Garcia for Garcia at the Pressroom in downtown Phoenix to support David Garcia’s campaign for governor. Terry Goddard, promoting his Outlaw Dark Money initiative and author Nancy McLean speaking about her book, Democracy in Chains, were keynote speakers.

    In 2019, I planned, funded and managed a mailing in support of the Yes for Mesa Schools initiative, sending letters to 5,800 Democratic households in the eight LD18 precincts (5 in Mesa, 3 in Chandler) within the Mesa School District. I also served as Vice President of the Dobson Ranch Democrats.

    In June 2020, I hosted an online event to provide support to the Navajo people struggling with the hardships of the pandemic and raised $4,000. Later that year, our southwest Mesa home served as the eastern field office for LD18, providing a pickup point for yard signs and campaign materials. I coordinated Mesa volunteers as well as printing 65,000 pieces of campaign materials and producing 8,000 postcards. Following the election season, I designed, co-edited, and produced a fundraising cookbook, "How to Roast an Elephant” (currently available from LD12 Democrats).

    After moving to Las Sendas in northeast Mesa in 2021, I joined the LD10 Democrats in 2023 and served on the executive board as 2nd Vice Chairman and Treasurer. until I qualified for the primary ballot as a candidate for the Arizona Senate representing LD10.

  • My wife Giuli and I moved into the Las Sendas precinct in northeast Mesa in December 2021. I’ve been a resident of Arizona for over 50 years and attended Brophy Prep, Scottsdale Community College and earned a Bachelor of Music and Master in Business Administration from ASU.

    I’ve owned (and continue to operate) Canyon Records (a record label specializing in Native American music) for over 30 years. A Grammy-winning producer, I’ve produced 37 Grammy-nominated albums. I’ve earned a Platinum Record and two Gold Records, rare achievements for a small independent record label. Canyon received the first Governor's Arts Award for Small Business.

    My photography exhibition featuring Canyon artists, "One World Many Voices," received gallery showings for three years at the Pueblo Grande Museum, Petroglyph Preserve Museum, and the Arizona State Museum. I created and funded a mobile version of the exhibition for display at the four Chandler Public Libraries. I’ve received an Arizona Theater Award for Best Script as co-librettist of "Guadalupe, The Opera," which was premiered by ASU’s Lyric Opera Theatre.