The Clean Elections Act provides a clean funding program for statewide and legislative candidates who agree to forgo special interest and high dollar contributions (with a tight limit on personal and family funds). Participating candidates in Clean Elections must seek support from the voters in their district to raise the number of qualifying contributions necessary to qualify for clean campaign funding.

Candidates choosing the Clean Funding program are known as Participating Candidates and agree to adhere to the Act and Commission rules to qualify for Citizens Clean Elections funding.

Candidates choosing to run as a traditional candidate and raise private campaign funds (subject to contribution limits) are known as  Non-Participating/Traditional Candidates.

Participating Candidates in Clean Elections may raise “seed money” (Early Contributions) from any registered U.S. voter. Contributions are limited to $210 per contribution and are limited to $5,293 total. Personal and family contributions are limited to $910 total are sep


Only a qualified elector (properly registered to vote in the district of the office a candidate is seeking) may give a $5 Qualifying Contribution (contributor's party affiliation doesn’t matter). Candidates for the Arizona State legislature in Legislative District 10 must collect a minimum of 200 Qualifying Contributions which can be made two ways:

  • Online (recommended) through the Secretary of State’s E-Qual system.

  • In Person or via Mail using the candidate’s printed $5 Qualifying Contribution form (1) which must be properly signed and correctly dated, and (2) by a contributor registered to vote on the date the form is signed and in the district of the office the participating candidate is seeking.

  • To verify your voter registration status and your congressional, legislative and county supervisor districts visit Maricopa County Recorder.